Monday, December 24, 2012

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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

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For the ban, after all, the main battlefield of Qingzhou is Yanzhou.
At this point, Zhang Yun received the news, three Xiaoshan eastern foot of Yongning Town was the the Qingzhou Army's attack, under the flat-footed, Yongning City now has been to ban army win.
Zhang Yun was stunned, so Qingzhou army at any time can be from Yongning City starting around three Xiao mountain foothill attack Hongnong City from behind most afraid of Qingzhou army to attack its own army forage seat of Lu's, quickly to send troops would Pui Shan Xiao mountain foothill to the three camped interdiction Qingzhou Army.
But Tian Feng and no intention of westward just command of the army of defense Yongning City. To this so Zhang Yun calm down.
At the same time, the attack Cao Yu Jin army weakened attack. Given the opportunity the Cao Yang Zhang Yunjun breathing.
Danger given the Zhang Yun very angry, strengthening Cao's guard force, they sent a messenger to Cao outside on forbidden Camp questioning ban: Why is no reason at all to attack Jingzhou army.
Ban too lazy and messenger explained so much, just ordered his men cut off the ears of the messenger, messengers to hold their ears back to Zhang Yun complex life, asked him: Do not ears heard Taishi Ci is Jingzhou being chased? And also seriously say a name of Huang cultural recruits.
Looked because of the loss in both ears bleeding in the Messenger of crying to yourself, look Look at a pair of ears, Chang finally know the grounds of of Qingzhou military offensive, could not help Youjingyounu, completely do not understand such confidential things in the end how leaks. know that Huang cultural employed Jingzhou hundreds of master, but this is only limited to the Jingzhou, few know that two of the names of people in the world.
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Saturday, September 1, 2012

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I hastened to strike while the iron is hot: Zhang good froze for a moment, seemed to surprise Xuanyou remembered something faint sigh breath, shook his head: I did not understand: Zhang good exposed look of regret, said: play, so afraid I can only teach you some fur, but difficult to show the exhaustion of heaven and earth changing sounds of nature. Micro frown, I asked: Zhang good look as if an idiot as incredible look me half a day, only to wake up the other is a full piano blind immediately patiently explained: Jiao Mei, according to legend, the dark Warring States era of instrumental closure mysterious of the system. said he heard a loud noise when the period of Indus wood burning fire is very special, put this wood out, made a piano. because wood had burnt, also left traces in the tail, so called 'focus tail'. piano tail trim 'crown angle' also known as 'coke tail', should also come from this, for the protection of piano tail but only a decorative role. seal Metaphysics son sealing elements was also very famous Caoqin everyone he did melodies far-reaching impact, is said to unprecedented, no one can match his Unfortunately, tablature lost People today no blessing to listen.

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I hasten to exercise our powers to restore the infuriating side of keeping a close eye exudes soft light of the egg, and now it's the breath of life has been very strong with the original weak, can not in the same category. Finally, which began to spread a slight drilled in a bird's head. drilled head of the bird does not pause, continued to peck at the egg shell, in order to stretch the gap, way out of it whole from the egg inside.
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Sugan brother Yeah, I can not talk about your stall things, or you talk about it a few more than I wanted to take advantage of rest days opportunity to invite you to accompany me to go out get some fresh air, since you talk about things I sat a minute left, do not bother you. can not shoulder to shoulder in terms of but he has always been a mental facility between and the Soviet Union Secretary, so he address him no matter what the occasion

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Awhile, Yu Runmei use disk side up four cups of tea. President Chen made a gesture invited a sip of self-care, said: The night we have to talk all night. See my face properly, Yu Runmei busy to explain not arrested, just talk and I talk about, but it comes to confidential content, I hope I can be kept confidential. Heard the explanation, I relax a hostile psychological, but it is not very comfortable, I do not like this looks like please talk to me the means to express my dissatisfaction, I slowly pulled out his cellphone said he wanted his girlfriend to call. Chen smile is still: the phone. I saw the phone screen, and sure enough a little bit of signal I stared Chen a threat: I have finished, stand up and banged the table. President Chen to keep smiling, hands to fingers offset, They both use the special abilities? I would like a closer look at specific features in the end is how is it, but unfortunately I have to cope with the pressure of the Chen.
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